Do I need to register before my first visit?
How can I book for a class?
What time are your classes?
What are the prices for a drop in or packages?
How can I buy a membership?
I see you offer 3,7 and 10 CONSECUTIVE DAYS package. How does it work?
When does my membership becomes active?
Is it ok to join a CrossFit class if I have never been on one before?
What’s the difference in between CrossFit and Bootcamp?
What is movement class?
What is mobility class?
If I bring a T-shirt from my home box will I be able to exchange it with one of your beautiful T-shirts?
Can I get the 1st drop in for free?
Do you sell T-shirts? Anything else?
Do you have toilets and or showers?
Do you sell water, healthy drinks, energy bars, Etc.?
Is it easy to find the location of the box?
How far is the box from the beach?
If I don’t have shoes can I come barefoot?
What if I have injuries, Can I still come?
I am unfit, very lazy, out of shape, etc. Is Crossfit ideal for me?
What is Little Legend class?
Can I bring my kids with me?
Do you have WI-FI? Is it free?